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Animal Focus

Animals You Should Fear The Most

Everyone knows Lions, Bears and Tigers should be feared. But what about other animals we don’t know as well.

Some are small enough to fit in your hand, but boy do they stock up enough power to make you regret it. Today we countdown 15 animals you should fear the most.

It’s time to add a teaspoon of courage and a drop of guts into your coffee and get ready to face some of the most terrifying creatures on the planet.

Golden Poison Dart Frog

The poison dart is the name of a large, diverse group of brightly colored frogs that live mostly in northern South America, of which only a handful of species are particularly dangerous to humans.

The deadliest, the golden poison dart, inhabits the small range of rainforests along Colombia’s Pacific coast, and grows to around two inches long which is roughly the size of a paper clip.

So, it’s not a very big frog, but sometimes small packages come with debilitating toolsets. Its poison, called batrachotoxin, is so potent that there’s enough in one frog to kill 10grown men, and just two micrograms is enough to kill a single individual.

But what makes the amphibian especially dangerous is that its poisonous glands are located beneath its skin, meaning a mere touch will cause trouble.

Basically, if you ever meet this frog face to face, you don’t want to kiss him to find out if he’ll turn into a prince. You’re more likely to turn into a corpse.

It’s little wonder the indigenous Emberá people have laced the tips of their blow darts used for hunting with the frog’s toxin for centuries. Sadly, deforestation has landed the frog on several endangered lists, like so many other animals of the world.


The Goliath Tiger Fish is a large predatory fish that lives in the Congo River in Africa with the largest specimens reaching a length of 6 feet, and a weight of 100 lbs.

Although there have been reports of large specimens weighing 150 lbs. or more. This fish has long crocodile-like teeth, specially designed to tear chunks of meat out of other fish.

The goliath tiger fish is a piscivorous, which means it eats mainly fish. With such impressive size an adult goliath tiger fish will eat any other fish that it can overpower, such as a small Nile perch.

When your name is Goliath, you’d better be one humongous, ferocious creature, and the Goliath tiger fish lives up to its moniker outclassing other African game fish in speed and power.

Locals say it’s the only fish that doesn’t fear the crocodile and even eats smaller ones. We have also known it to attack humans in rare instances.

It’s so lightning quick and forceful that not only will it snap an angler’s line, but it will sometimes make off with his or her tackle.

No wonder one fishing safari promoter requires clients to read a cautionary treatise on the Goliath before agreeing to a fishing trip. Where is David and his slingshot when you need him the most?

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