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Animal Focus

Most confusing dog of the day: So big I can’t tell if it’s a dog or a pig

With his incredibly chubby appearance, this dog makes internet users very confused because he does not know if he is a dog or a pig. Many people even joke that this is the perfect combination between the above two species, which are jokingly called … pig dog.

Dogs with a round and round appearance are no stranger to everyone. Even if you look at Instagram, you will see hundreds of cute “legacy” puppies on the internet every day. However, have you ever seen a dog so big that you still don’t know if it’s a pig or a dog? I thought it was a joke, but it’s absolutely true.

Most recently, on a large community fan page, a photo of a super chubby dog ​​was posted. According to the introductory caption, it is about a wild dog that a young man accidentally captured in Thailand. Yes, it’s a dog!

If someone passes quickly and does not pay much attention, he will surely mistakenly see that the round “tuft” obediently lying on the ground is a pig! A lot of people have even joked that it’s no longer a dog or a pig, but it’s … a pig dog – a new hybrid animal.

After appearing online, this dog has received nearly 4,000 likes and hundreds of comments. Besides the unexpected comments because “I can’t imagine there is a dog that could be this big!” Many people have also expressed concern over the dog’s oversized body in the photo.

Friend Mr. Linh shared, “It’s cute to look at, but I have only raised dogs, so I know this body tires them out very easily. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, but walking is even more limited. Who has it? If you breed dogs, feed them just enough. Happy mouth and miserable body! “

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