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Animal Focus

Biggest Sharks Ever Found In The World

If you suffer from galeophobia, the fear of sharks, then you are going to want to do something else. This educational experience is not for you.

And why is that? We’re about to focus on some huge sea creatures. From a 20-foot great white shark to Slash the shark with a bad attitude, here are 15 of the biggest sharks in the world ever recorded.


Imagine enjoying a nice day on the beach with your family in Ft.

Lauderdale, Florida when suddenly you see someone with a fishing pole reeling in a monster 13ft Hammerhead Shark right where you were just swimming.

As you can imagine, this scene created some chaos from onlookers at this Ft.

Lauderdale beach, and I can only imagine that no one was going back in the water in that area anytime soon even though it would have been just as safe as before.

Either way, it certainly made the day unforgettable for the beachgoers that got to see this! But beach lovers shouldn’t be too worried about sharks like this coming up into the shallows where they are swimming.

For instance, this huge hammerhead shark has hooked hundreds of feet away from the beach while on the pier, and large hammerheads like this rarely come in the shallows of the beach.


Perhaps the last thing you want to see while in the ocean is a great white shark.

For divers in Hawaii, it may have been an incredible discovery. A group of divers near Oahu was monitoring tiger sharks feeding off a decomposed sperm whale when they encountered a giant great white.

Based on the shark’s size and markings, the shark may be Deep Blue, one of the largest great whites on record. “It was an absolutely breathtaking experience, and really quite humbling to be in the presence of this great shark,” said one of the onlookers. “She is an absolutely beautiful and magnificent being that both commands and deserves respect.

The shark’s countershading pattern, which is where the gray color of the top of a shark’s body meets with the white underside, is as unique to a white shark as our fingerprints are.

This was the largest great white ever filmed, measuring more than 20 feet and believed to be at least 50 years old.

The average female great white shark measures between 15-16 feet, while males measure between 11-13 feet. When photos were compared, the markings matched Deep Blue. Because of its impressive girth, the shark was probably pregnant.

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