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Dangerous Beaches WE DARE YOU To Visit!

If your plans for a beach vacation include stress-free tanning, catching up on a good book, and sipping a colorful beverage — don’t go to any of these beaches.

From Hawaii to Australia, India to Namibia.


Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory of Australia. There are many dangers lurking in and around Darwin and they include the sun, road trains, and the wildlife.

Darwin is hot, so having a lot of water at your disposable is a must.

Dehydration can set in quickly and, if severe enough, may require some unfortunates to spend a night at the hospital.

The Australian sun has put an end to many lives in the past and it doesn’t discriminate.

Going to Darwin between October and May means you will most likely encounter the friendly Box Jellyfish who can put an end to your life in a few minutes, so if you’re not careful, this might be your last time at the beach.

Despite much public outcry, stinger nets are not installed on the beaches.

But don’t think the friendly crocodiles will let the Jellyfish have all the fun, so if you go off wondering anywhere, you might just meet one, and no, Crocodile Dundee won’t be there to help you.

And then of course you also have the sharks. Do swim in Darwin only on guarded beaches and always listen carefully to the warnings of lifeguards. I think I’ll stay clear of Darwin.


Located on Kauai’s Napali coast in Hawaii, Hanakapiai Beach is approximately 2 miles from the start of Kalalau Trail.

If you ask a hiker for important advice before going on the Kalalau trail hike, avoiding swimming at Hanakapiai beach would be high on the list.

This is a rough beach and the ocean can mercilessly drag even an experienced swimmer until he/she’s not to be seen.

The sandy shoreline of the beach can only be seen in summer as it gets washed away by powerful and dangerously high tides during winter.

The currents at this beach are so powerful that the bodies of at least 15 drowning victims have yet to be recovered.

Unlike most beaches on Kauai, Hanakapiai has no reef barrier to resist the powerful ocean currents which hit the shore with full force. These conditions make Hanakapiai beach extremely dangerous.

It’s important to pay attention to the warning signs that can be seen all over the place and still, it is a very risky place to visit.

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