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Animal Focus

Fattest Animals in the World

When it comes to keeping slim, it’s not just humans that struggle. Animals have their own shares of problems.

Whether it’s through a thoughtless owner, a health problem or a pure freak of nature, critters across the animal kingdom can pile on the pounds. From portly primates to tubby squirrels, join us as we countdown the 15 fattest animals in the world.

Cassie the dog The seven-year-old Collie’s weight soared to almost 130 pounds, three times her healthy size after she was allowed to feast on takeaways and roast dinners.

Her elderly owner fed Cassie sweets, chocolates and crisps every day and admitted she had never eaten dog food.

She was brought into the Dog’s Trust re-homing Centre in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, when her owner fell ill and had to go into hospital. It took three people to get the massive canine out of the car.

Shocked staff immediately put Cassie on a diet but struggled to help the hound who weighs the same as teen pop star Justin Bieber to shift the flab.

Cassie had to be shaved so painful bedsores caused by her massive bulk could be treated. And it took two helpers to winch up Cassie, who was so fat she couldn’t stand on her own, with a sheet so she could be taken for walkies.

But even then she could only manage a three-minute waddle as she got too tired for more.

Her owner admitted Cassie had been living on fish and chips on Fridays and roast dinners on Sundays, as well as fry-ups, chocolate, sweets and cakes.

Cassie has been put on a diet to slowly bring her weight down, but she’s more than three times the weight she should be and is at risk of heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis so it needs to be a slow process.

She initially turned her nose up at the wet and dry dog food we gave her because it’s not as tasty as the human food she’s used to but she’s getting better.

Once she’s healthy enough to be re-homed Cassie will need loving but responsible new owners who can resist those big brown eyes pleading for treats and will take a tough love approach to ensure her weight loss.

Chunky the Squirrel Chunky is a remarkably rotund squirrel who enjoys chomping on a nut as he lounges on a tree branch.

Part-time photographer David Hoztaby was on his daily afternoon walk in Horton Park in Bradford, West Yorkshire, when the sizeable grey squirrel caught his eye.

The tree-dweller was unfazed by the approaching photographer as it stood comfortably near the roots of a tree, laser-focused on eating its dinner.

The rodent looked like it had enjoyed a few too many hazelnuts – although it is also possible that it was pregnant. Mr. Hoztaby was on my daily walk in the park one afternoon when he spotted the chunky squirrel.

I’ve never seen such a big squirrel before so I got my camera out, he said It caught my eye immediately because it was just so large. I thought “look at the size of that one”.

‘He seemed really engrossed with his meal, he was just chomping away. Which probably explains why he was so big.

Grey squirrels don’t hibernate over winter but are known to eat their entire body weight’s worth of food in a week during autumn to store fat to brave the oncoming cold.

The greedy eaters will also collect and hide nuts to enjoy later on. You’d be nuts to keep feeding this furry fella – but tourists in California are still leaving food for the tubby squirrel. Chunky is the fattest squirrel in California.

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