Energy Success
Animal Focus

Hearing the call for help, the pet dog opened the car door and jumped into the water to fight the shark to save the owner from death.

Despite being chased to the ground, this pitbull-like dog still rushed to find a way to attack the shark to save its owner, without him the situation would have certainly been worse.

James White still has teeth from the shark that bit him about three weeks ago. But in return, this shark is still suffering from the bite of his dog Darby. That’s right, he risked his life to dive into the water to fight the ocean killer to save his owner, everything that happened was extremely spectacular. However, when he recounted it, most people didn’t believe very much in the authenticity of the story, in the end White had to “show” the whole picture before accepting it.

It was July 21, Mr. White from Rohnert Park in Sonoma County, California, United States, went shore fishing in the Bodega Bay area. Because the fishing grounds are close to the road, he left his pet dog Darby in a car parked nearby. After releasing the bait for a while, the fish finally bit the hook, but the fish seemed to be pretty strong, so it took a lot of time and effort for White, he said, “It took about 10 minutes to pull the fishing line. The only reason I was able to pull the line was because the fish were swimming towards me. “

Nghe tiếng kêu cứu thất thanh, chó cưng mở cửa ô tô lao xuống nước cắn nhau với cá mập để cứu chủ thoát chết - Ảnh 2.

And it wasn’t until he stepped into the shallow water that this man discovered what had caught his hook, which was a bulldog shark almost 2m long. White decided to remove the hook to let the animal go, but he got out of control and turned to dig his sharp teeth into White’s heel. “The blood flowed immediately, from the first bite they hit the artery. The situation was extremely stressful,” says White.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get rid of those death teeth. At this point he yelled for help at a few other fishermen, but they were too far away to help him. I thought everything was at a stalemate, however, at this point Darby on the shore heard the speechless cry of the owner. He kept trying to open the car door and rush over to the owner. Showing no fear, the dog, a pit bull weighing around 45kg, jumped into the water and bit into the shark’s gills. It appears that because of the pain, the killer bit White’s leg even harder.

“And I told him ‘don’t back down’, then Darby changed his position, bit the tail of the fish and brought it back to shore, and he finally pulled the monster off my legs,” Mr. White. Without Darby, White didn’t know how to get rid of the aggressive shark, he said it was the companion dog that saved his leg from a more serious injury. “From day one it’s been part of my family. Without it I’d be worse off,” said James White, proud of Darby.

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