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Most Surprising Fishing Moments In The World

Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and you’ll feed him for a lifetime. Well, sometimes fishermen get more than they bargained for.

Fishing can sometimes lead unexpected adventures, all depending on where you are fishing. Some people have gone fishing only to have very powerful fish storm out of the water and steal their catch away from them.

Some were close calls and others were just funny and surprising. Get ready as we countdown 15 most surprising fishing moments in the world.

DRAG-NET FISHING Today’s commercial fishers use massive ships the size of football fields and advanced electronic equipment to track fish. These enormous vessels can stay out at sea for as long as six months, storing thousands of tons of fish onboard in massive freezer compartments.

This industry has decimated our ocean ecosystems. In fact, 90 percent of large fish populations have been exterminated because of the enormous numbers of animals caught. Long-lining is one of the most widespread fishing methods.

Ships unreel up to 50 miles of line bristling with hundreds of thousands of baited hooks.

These are dragged behind the boat at varying depths or kept afloat by buoys and left overnight, luring any animal in the area to grab a free meal.

Once hooked, some animals drown or bleed to death in the water, and many others struggle for hours until the boat returns to reel them in.

600-pound Fish Jumps in Boat Black Marlin are high-prized game fish, but that’s if you catch them.
In this case, a black marlin was the one doing the catching. Men fishing off a boat called the Little Audrey were treated to several minutes of drama when a giant black marlin jumped aboard their boat off the coast of Cairns, Australia.
The men were fishing in choppy waters, with water splashing into the boat regularly, causing the men to struggle to continue fishing. They catch a black marlin that fights against them in the water.
Next thing they know, it’s flipping aboard their boat, almost taking out one of the fishermen and hauling a deck chair at another.
One man goes flying, another gets a hefty whack to the head with a chair, and it’s chaos for what feels like forever. Fortunately, the men on board the boat only sustain minor injuries, and it could have been a lot worse. Black marlin can grow up to around 15 feet long and over 1,500 pounds.
They are not only large but fast. There have been many cases where they have taken off with fishing line at speeds of up to 65 miles per hour.
They are fished for in a commercial capacity and are thought to be easier to catch after a full moon. That’s what you get when you want to catch the biggest fish out there.

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