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Most Dangerous Islands You Should Never Visit

Holiday season is just the time to get out and explore and make your way to a relaxing and rejuvenating island getaway.

And though islands seem like a perfect escape in comparison to the harsh winter winds, there are some to sail far and clear from.

These islands, filled with color and beauty, seemingly paradise, are to be avoided at all costs. Their threatening ways claim them to be some of the most dangerous places on earth.

From the highly radioactive to dense populations of predators, we countdown 15 most dangerous islands in the world.


On this gorgeous yet abandoned stretch of rain-forest land in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Brazil, is a habitat for one of the deadliest snakes in existence, the critically endangered Golden Viper.

Thousands of these golden lance-head vipers were trapped on Snake Island a few centuries ago when sea levels rose and covered the land joining the island to the mainland.

Later humans left the island completely and with no humans in sight the snake population exploded, making the island their deadly kingdom.

There is now one snake for every square meter of the island, and the Brazilian government enclosed the place from any visitors except for special scientific purposes.

A lighthouse constructed in 1909 serves as a warning for stranded ships and anyone uninformed. This gives me the chills just telling you about it!


The most dangerous islands in the world harbor some of the scariest threats to humans. One island is considered to be dangerous due to the high radioactivity with most residents being forced to carry a gas mask at all times.

This island in Burma is called Ramree Island and it is considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world after harboring a dark secret. It resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people.

The island off the coast of Burma was a big part of World War II with some battles taking place within it. In 1945, British soldiers drove Japanese fighters off the main part of the island into the dense mangrove forests.

What no-one realized was that they are home to an unknown but large number of saltwater crocodiles.

They can reach up to 23 feet long and weigh 2,200 pounds. Some of the Japanese soldiers fled into the forest, and only 500 of the 1,000 soldiers escaped as the rest were eaten by the crocodiles.

Unless you like the company of massive crocodiles, I suggest you stay away from this island.

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