Energy Success
Animal Focus

Meanest Animals in the World

I always tell people that animals are not as cruel as humans and that is a fact. An animal will kill its prey to survive, but it will not torture it out of mere pleasure.

However, there some darn mean animals that roam the face of the earth and it is time you found out who they are. So, remove your “pink” glasses and watch.


The Tiger snake is a highly venomous snake species found in the southern regions of Australia. These snakes are highly variable in their color, often banded like those on a tiger.

The patterning is darker bands, strongly contrasting or indistinct, which are pale to very dark in color.

The coloration is composed of olive, yellow, orange-brown, or jet-black; the underside of these snakes is light yellow or orange.

These snakes inhabit coastal environments, wetlands, and creeks where they often form territories.

They are also found in woodlands, forests, shrublands, grasslands, and marshlands.

Tiger snakes live a solitary life and interact only for mating.

They are active during the day but may also be active on warmer nights.

During cool days they will shelter in abandoned burrows of other animals, under large boulders, and in trees.

They may also go up to 1 m underground. They often hunt in water and can stay submerged for up to 9 minutes. Tiger snakes are ground-dwelling creatures but may also climb trees and bushes.

These are highly venomous and dangerous to humans.


Centipedes are quick, can scale glass, and can squeeze through unbelievably small openings.
Once out, they are almost impossible to find–or forget! Bites from Giant Centipedes and related/unrelated species have caused fevers, dizziness, cardiac problems, breathing difficulties, and fatalities.
A man was bitten by what appeared to be a Giant Centipede while working in Brazil.
They hospitalized him for nearly a week and were in terrible condition for much of that time. Individual sensitivities and allergies can complicate medical treatment.
As we know little about centipede venom, responsible, well-experienced adults should keep them.
When attacked, Centipedes release chemical irritants and bite with venom-injecting fangs. The fangs, which are actually modified appendages, are also known as maxillipeds or forceps.
Sharply pointed rear legs, which can inflict wounds of their own, distract enemies from the head.
That’s a pretty awesome defense system if you ask me.

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