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Most Terrifying Objects Found In The Deep Sea

Have you ever been curious about the mysteries of the ocean and what can be found at the bottom of the sea?

What if I told you the oceans hold some of the most mysterious and terrifying discoveries known to mankind? Today we count down 15 Most Terrifying Objects found in the Deep Sea.

Time to jump into your submarine and submerge… at your own risk!


At the bottom of lake Neuchatel in Switzerland stands one of the most terrifying statues one will ever see. It is the statue of a monstrous shark with huge teeth just ready to gobble you up. Well, at least we know it’s not a real shark.

The shark was actually built for a short film shot in 2007 titled “Choc au lac” by the Association “La Jeunesse de la Côte”. You have to hand it to the film’s producers.

This was quite a creative feat they accomplished. Imagine diving, then turning around and seeing this beast right next to you. It’s enough to have a heart attack and die on the spot!


The Bimini Road is an underwater rock formation located just off the coast of the Bahamian island of North Bimini.

The road rests on the sea floor about 18 feet below the surface. Set on a northeast-southwest line, the road runs straight for about half a mile before ending in a curving, graceful hook.

Alongside the Bimini Road are two other smaller linear rock formations that appear similar in design. The Bimini Road is made up of limestone blocks, most of them cut in a rectangular shape.

Most of them appear to have been originally cut with right angles, though time underwater has weathered them into a rounded shape.

Each of the blocks on the main road is between 10 to 13 feet long, and seven to 10 feet wide, while the two side roads have smaller, but equally even blocks.

The larger blocks appear to line up with each other and arranged in size order. Some of them even appear to be stacked, as if propped up intentionally.

Given the road’s location, and it’s eerily perfect formation, many Atlantis believers and even a few archeologists have suggested that this could be a road to Atlantis.

Other believers point out that the road could just be the tip of the Atlantean iceberg. Throughout history, entire civilizations have been wiped out by tsunamis, volcanos, earthquakes and other natural disasters only to be discovered with something as simple as a road, or a pot, or a piece of art. Why should Atlantis be any different?

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